For just $16.66/month*,
unlock over $195 in savings with Ryde+
Only valid for first-time Ryde+ subscribers. Cancel anytime.
Experience the VIP treatment with Ryde+ today! For just $16.66/month*, get access to unlimited cashback on every trip, priority matching and lifestyle perks.
* $$49.99 Quarterly Subscription, $19.99 Monthly Subscription
Exclusive Cashback
Save on every trip
Enjoy cashback and save on every ride you take!* Simply pay for your trip using a credit card or RydeCoins and earn cashback in RydeCoins after you've completed your trip.
*RydeTAXI excluded.
Get unlimited RydeCoins cashback with no minimum fare required.
Priority Matching
Get prioritised, get ahead
Always in a rush? We’ll get you matched up with a driver quickly so that you won’t be late!
As a subscriber, you’re our VIP! Your trips get ranked ahead of non-subscribers so you’ll find a driver in no time at all.
Exclusive Lifestyle Perks
Exclusive deals for our VIPS
Access exclusive discounts and deals from your favorite brands.
From F&B, to retail and lifestyle, there’s something for everyone!
Special deals and exclusive giveaways
For $49.99/quarter, Ryde+ quarterly subscribers get a FREE Special Deal in collaboration with our F&B partners and exclusive quarterly-member-only giveaways! Check out our monthly Ryde+ blogpost to find out more about the ongoing Special Deal.

No strings attached
Ryde+ subscriptions are renewed monthly or quarterly on a rolling basis depending on your plan, bringing you a seamless and fuss-free experience!
Opt out anytime:
Cancelling your subscription is simple and can happen any time before your next billing date. Simply cancel at least 1 day before the end of your subscription cycle.
How to subscribe

To subscribe to Ryde+, follow these 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Click on the ‘≡’ button and select ‘Ryde+’ or click on the Ryde+ banner on the homepage.
Step 2: Click “Subscribe Now”.
Step 3: Input the additional details, select your payment method and confirm your subscription!
Try Ryde+ today!
Only valid for first-time Ryde+ subscribers. Cancel anytime.