Hear From Ryde’s Top Drivers Of 2021
Driver ratings are an important measurement of quality at Ryde. You start out as a 4.9-star Ryde driver, and then it’s up to you to maintain your score. Quite a lot is at stake, as riders may cancel the trip if they see you have a poor rating, and in the worst case, consistent bad ratings may lead to account suspension.
Whether you’re a seasoned PHV driver or newly joined Carpool driver, here are some tips to become a 5-star Ryde driver and boost your earnings:
Transparent communication with your riders helps them manage their expectations and lead to a better experience.
For example, letting your riders know that you might be caught in a jam whilst on the way to them or if you are unable to locate them can easily go a long way. Even if they do not respond, your gesture often leaves a positive and lasting impression on your rider.
Getting home safe at the end of the day is more important than a big payday. Do not forget to stay hydrated and get sufficient rest before driving. You can do this by having enough sleep the night before, and by taking a nap during your break!
Our Driver-Partner, Christopher, shares about the importance of having enough rest to keep ourselves and other motorists on the road safe:
“Remember to take a break as our body needs maintenance. Have sufficient slumber time so that you can focus better on the road to prevent accidents.” – Christopher
Though it can be tempting to cut through the double white line or ignore speed limits, it is crucial that we always keep our driving habits in check. On the road, we are responsible for the safety of not just ourselves but everyone else too!
Driver-Partners Christopher and George continues to share about how seemingly small offences can lead to you losing out on all your earnings. So let’s remember to stay safe and courteous on the road.
“Beware of blind spots and abide by the rules and regulations as our demerit points are our rice bowl.” – Christopher
“Be more patience and stay happy is the best while driving” – Georgie Koh
Much like us, riders are fellow people who have their fair share of tough days. Although not all interactions are pleasant, it is important to remind ourselves to be kind to others.
“Be more patience and stay happy is the best while driving” – Georgie
“Cancellations by passengers are common and don’t be bogged down by this. Move on and keep accepting other bookings.” – Christopher
Ryde drivers are free to select the trips they want to accept, therefore it is important to understand how strategic trip acceptance can help you boost your earnings. You can choose to go after long distance trips with slightly higher fares, or stick to frequent short-distance trips to maximise your earnings.
“Set a target how much you want to earn a day, and put in the hours. Be service oriented and not be boss-like.”
– Samuel
Whether it is on the road or in the car, being considerate to others goes a long way. Do remember to keep your car exterior and interior clean.
It can be the difference between a 4-star and a 5-star review!
“Try to maintain your personal hygiene, keep your car clean internally and externally, make your passengers feel comfortable, be courteous and don’t forget to greet them.” – Mohamad Taib
For new Ryde drivers, it is recommended to accept trips that have routes you may be more familiar with. After which, once you’ve gained more confidence with using the Ryde Driver app, you can begin to venture onto different routes! A great tip contributed by Benjamin.
“First & foremost, support a locally owned/operated platform. Given Ryde’s unique operating system…new drivers would start off by accepting trips that they are familiar (with) to their locations/knowledge/surroundings. That could save time, fuel, and shorten waiting duration for both parties, eventually venture further when confident. Remember “a smile begets another!” – Benjamin Lim
Ryde has introduced more short term driver bonuses since Q2 2021. Please note the bonus period and validity. Focus on completing bonuses you want to achieve.
Certain bonuses are renewable after every cycle – so start earning your bonuses today! In the wise words of Christopher, “Work smart and not work hard”.
“Work smart and not work hard to witness progression. Embrace bonus incentives as a challenge to keep you going as a habit will become your lifestyle in the days moving forward.” – Christopher Heng
Our Driver-Partners often find themselves spending long hours on the road, even during the pandemic. We hope that sharing these tips will play a part in showing our unwavering support for you, our Driver-Partners, in one way or another.
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Thank you to all our Driver-Partners for your continued service and support in 2021. Let us scale new horizons together in 2022.
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